During a time of prayer and worship with my family on 9/4/11, this word came forth:
In my spirit, I saw a vision of the Lord Jesus, dressed in shepherd robes, standing tall over the earth. His hands were lifted high – extending over the earth. He released the following:
“See the world. Behold, I am the Lord God. This is My hour. I will be exalted in all the nations. Go out into all the world and speak My name. I will go before you.”
As we continued to worship, I saw in my spirit what looked like a blue ribbon of light going out in all directions across the United States. Then came this word,
“I am sending out My Holy Spirit.”
I sensed that this had application to the whole world, but that He was specifically addressing the governmental realm of the United States. I could see this ribbon of light permeating courtrooms and judicial chambers and state & national legislative bodies. Then the Lord poured out the following statements:
“Things in the governmental realm of this nation are no longer going to look like they have. I am going to turn it on its ear. You are going to be amazed at the changes you see. Do not fear or worry – watch Me work and rejoice! Everything you see will be for My purpose and I will be glorified. Do not fear the events that are coming. To the world it will look like everything is falling apart. Know that I am in control. I will perform, release and allow many things for My purposes. Do not be fearful of what you see. It will look like the enemy is in control. Know that I am in control. Do not make decisions out of fear. Move at My command. I will direct you when, where and how to move. Your job is to rest in Me. Watch with joy as I work and be ready to move as I direct.”
Then came a strong word for the United States. This came upon me so powerfully I fell to my knees under the weight of it:
“I will bring the people of this nation to a place where they can no longer depend on themselves. Self-reliance will not be possible. They will need to look to Me. The mighty, independent, self-reliant ‘superpower’ will be brought to its knees and will look to God for its needs.”
I then saw a large mass of people gathered outdoors. All of them were sick or injured. They were lining up, coming to the Body of Christ for prayer and healing. I sensed they were desperate – they had nowhere else to go. They were turning to the Church and they were being healed.
A few days after I received this, the Lord reminded me that this word was released just a couple of weeks after two significant Kingdom events took place in the United States. On 8/6/11, there was a day of prayer and fasting called “The Response” held in Texas at Reliant Stadium where thousands of people fasted and prayed for the U.S. Prior to "The Response", Jesus Culture held a massive event in Chicago for three days, ("The Awakening"), where 18,000 believers prayed, worshiped and cried out to the Lord for a great awakening in our nation. That event was held in the Allstate Arena. As I reflected on this, the following word came, “The awakening is going out to all 50 states and is carrying with it complete reliance on God!” Hallelujah!
Many things in this word speak to what we are experiencing today and there are also things we have yet to encounter. The purity and integrity of our faith is being tested today and we are being prepared for what is to come. There is much to anchor our faith and hope to! Multiple times the Lord instructs us to watch, behold and trust Him. This aligns with His Word to "keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2a).
The Passion Translation states it this way:
"We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection."
A great awakening and the Church's finest hour are yet to come! Stand firm in hope and faith!
That does sound a lot like what's happening now. It looks like the enemy is in control regarding our government but we believe it's going to change soon because God is stepping onto the scene in this new era we have entered. Such exciting times.