Thursday, March 9, 2017


Purpose of the Blog

This blog is the Lord's idea and He has commissioned it for the purpose of encouragement. This is twofold in nature. It is first to build up and encourage those who are in the household of faith. The Bride of Christ as a whole has been worn down and discouraged for a long time. It's time to take courage, to arise and shine and let her light shine for all to see! (Isaiah 60:1)

The second purpose is to bring teaching and revelation to spur the Body of Christ on in sharing the hope of salvation in Christ alone, being ambassadors of reconciliation, and making disciples of all nations. Jesus Christ is the total answer to the total needs of mankind. He has entrusted the message and demonstration of that truth to His Church. Our Father is a God of generations - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. His promises, blessings and purposes are fulfilled over the course of generations. It is my hope that the posts shared here will inspire us to run our race well and pass the baton on to the generations following us.

Having stated the purpose of the blog, I would like to take a moment to clarify what it is not. Although teaching may be shared by way of analogies, the focus will not be to bring a formal academic theological analysis or word study of Scripture. There are a host of excellent resources available for this kind of instruction. Two that I have found helpful are and Searchlight by Jon Courson. 

Additionally, this blog will not serve as a platform for Christian apologetics. There are many excellent websites, blogs and books that provide that opportunity. A few suggestions would include: Lee Strobel, CARM and

If you do not have a Bible, I encourage you to obtain a hard copy that you can take notes in, underline and interact with. I would also suggest accessing the variety of translations available electronically. Bible Gateway is one I use often.

If you do not currently have a church home, I encourage you to begin the process of searching for one as soon as you are able. There is a specific company of believers we are to be walking with for what they will develop and deposit in us and what we will contribute to them. If you're not sure how to go about finding a church home, I highly recommend reading "Plugged in and Prospering" by Mac Hammond. This little pamphlet is packed with wisdom regarding how to find, plug into and thrive in the local church. The following article is another helpful resource (How to Find a Church).

Looking forward to sharing the walk with you!

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