Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Rescue

It doesn't take much effort to find bad news and the worry, fear and anxiety that accompanies it. It seems to be readily available everywhere, prepackaged and ready to consume on the fly - kind of like fast food. But I recently had a powerful encounter in which I was reminded that God is also everywhere and ready to share a different kind of meal with us all the time - even, appropriately, in the grocery store. (Psalm 139:1-12) The following is taken from a letter I wrote to a local television station sharing what I experienced that day. Hope, encouragement and life are available to us, 24/7, if we will choose to look up and reach up!

My name is Kathy Zawacki and I am writing to follow up on your story about  the man who was rescued from the Mississippi River two weeks ago. I had not seen your story or heard about the accident until yesterday when I experienced an unexpected encounter of my own.

My day started with driving my daughter to her school, like I usually do on Thursday mornings. I then headed down Hwy 53 to go to Woodman's for a little grocery shopping. I was listening to some music on the way, really enjoying it, when I turned off at the Hallie exit by Walmart. I guess I did it out of reflex since I frequent a number of businesses in that area as well. I gently "scolded" myself for the distraction and took a service road to get back onto Hwy 53. As I did, the thought came that maybe the little detour was on purpose. That possibly I was going to be at Woodman's a few minutes later for a reason. I had no idea...

I arrived at the store and went about my shopping as usual. As I made my way to the checkout lanes, I saw that there was only one lane open and a long line forming at it. I made my way over to it and got in line. Then I noticed that there was a couple standing in an aisle behind me with a cart. I thought they had been shopping but realized they had actually been standing in line as well. I offered for them to go ahead of me since they had been there first and they accepted the offer. I was now standing at the end of the line. 

A moment later, an elderly gentleman pulled up behind me with his cart and took his place in line. He began to talk to me about the store and asked me if I shop there regularly - just making pleasant small talk. Then, in the midst of our little conversation he said, "I nearly drowned in the Mississippi River two weeks ago." I asked him to repeat what he had just said because I didn't think I had heard him right. He went on to tell me his story of falling through the ice, hanging on for 30 minutes and being rescued by firemen from the Fountain City Fire Department. I was in awe of his story. When I asked him what brought him to a grocery store in Eau Claire, he said he had just decided to take a drive and he stopped by the store to pick up some refreshments for the firemen as a thank you. He went on to talk about how thankful he is for each day and how he is enjoying and learning so much every day.

As we moved forward in line, he made a statement that struck home and is now turning things around in my own life. He said, "It's easier to give up and die. It's harder to live - but it's worth it." That simple sentence resonated deeply in my heart. I chatted with him for a few more minutes after we were both done checking out our groceries. I told him about my little "detour" getting to Woodman's that morning and that I absolutely had no doubt our exchange was the reason I arrived at the store precisely when I did. He responded to that with a warm little hug. :) I told him his story really blessed me and thanked him for sharing it. It was at this point he told me his name and that there was a nice video on WEAU about what happened. We finished our conversation and both went on our way.

As I sat down in my car, all I could think of was what he had said about how "easy" it is to give up and die and that it's harder to live, but worth it. I began to think about all the people I know who are really struggling and how many have sort of given up and are still alive, but not really living. I thought about how much I wanted to encourage them to get up and keep going. 

This is what was on my heart as I made my way over to Pearle Vision where I was scheduled for an eye exam. I checked in and one of the technicians took me to a room for preliminary testing. As I sat down, she asked me how I was doing. I responded, "I am really good!" Something in my voice caught her attention. She stopped sorting her paperwork, looked up at me and said, "That sounded really good - not just a normal 'good'. Is there something going on?" When I walked into Pearle, I had no intention of sharing my morning with anyone but, in that moment, it all suddenly felt right and the words came tumbling out. As I shared the morning's events with her she lit right up and said she had "goosebumps" just hearing it. Then she asked me if I'd been going through something difficult lately. That question stopped me in my tracks. Up until that point, I had been processing everything I had just experienced in terms of thinking about others who are going through difficult times. For the first time, it dawned on me that there was something more personal in this. I told her that, yes, I had been walking through a very hard season for about a year. She just smiled and said, "Well I think that encounter was meant to encourage you to keep going." She thanked me for sharing it all with her and, before I left, she had shared it with her co-workers and said she was going to go home that night and call her mom to tell her about it too. The encouraging goodness of God would just keep getting paid forward. I was blown away for the second time that morning!

When I arrived home after my appointment, I searched for the article and watched the video on WEAU. I cried as I watched - the tears a mixture of amazement and gratitude. We all have times when we are going along in life and suddenly the "ice" gives out underneath us. It may seem easier to give up and sink to the depths. But it's worth the effort to look up, to see the light and head toward it with all our strength. It's worth it to come up to the surface, call for help and hang on until it arrives. I am so thankful  Mr. Powis did. My life, and I believe the lives of many others, will never be the same because he did. I am also most grateful for the rescuers who put their own lives on the line to pull him out of deep water and place his feet back on solid ground. These are real heroes expressing real love. Mr. Powis truly has taken the advice of the doctor who treated him in Winona - he is intentionally sharing the gift of his life in a most beautiful way!

God did not cause the ice to give way under this man, but He was right there to sustain him and lift him out when it did. Our Father is consistent - He never changes. He will do the same for each of us in our difficulties. He is the Rescuer and the One who restores us to an abundant, thriving life! It's worth the struggle to reach up, call for help and hang on - He will answer. Then, when you find your feet planted on solid ground again, tell everyone! This is how the goodness of God blankets a family, a community, a state - a nation. In this way, we "taste and see the Lord is good" and invite others to the banqueting table! (Ps 34:8)

     How precious is your unfailing love, O God!
All humanity finds shelter
    in the shadow of your wings.
You feed them from the abundance of your own house,
    letting them drink from your river of delights.
For you are the fountain of life,
the light by which we see.  
(Psalm 36:7-9)

I have included the link to the interview WEAU conducted with Mr. Powis. It captures the joy of this man and his renewed life in a beautiful way! (Man Who Fell Through Ice)

I am also including a link to "Beloved" by Jordan Feliz. I heard this song a few days after the grocery store encounter and was in awe of how perfectly the lyrics fit what literally happened to Mr. Powis and what many of us find ourselves going through in our daily lives. 

The name of the album this song comes from? - "The River"

God is good.

"There's a purpose under the surface,
And you don't have to drown.
Let me remind you that Love will find you.
Let it lift you out."   ~Jordan Feliz


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