Sunday, September 23, 2018

Real Opportunities 2 - The Value of "Go!" and "Stay!"

Recently, as I was worshiping, I received the following:

"Change the world - go home and love your family."

The Holy Spirit went on to explain that, as we engage in and pour the love of Christ into our home, we change the DNA, heritage and legacy of our family. As future family generations carry forward the love of God, the "world" is changed. 

Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash

Additionally, the words "More" and "New" have been increasingly released in messages and exhortations all throughout the Body over the past number of months creating an anticipation for new anointings and assignments. As I have asked God to reveal more about this, He opened up the following.


"More" or "New" is not always about leaving our current post and going on to an exciting new thing. Sometimes it is. Personally listening for His direction helps us successfully transition from season to season in our lives. Discernment and obedient follow-through are an important part of our walk with God. 

The Lord is looking not only for the ones who will "Go"  but also for the ones who will "Stay". Sometimes we give a lot of attention to and idolize those who are called out while we have a tendency to overlook and give little value to those who remain.

Beware of mission envy.

Zebedee comes to mind in regard to this. He is briefly mentioned in Scripture, but if we pay attention, his life instructs us well. Zebedee lived in Galilee and was a fisherman by trade. He was the father of James and John who were among those called by Jesus to be His disciples (Matthew 4:18-22). As we look into this passage, we see that a call to "Go!" was clearly issued to James and John (v. 21). They responded in immediate obedience leaving their father and his fishing business behind (v. 22). For Zebedee, this was not a moment of being excluded or left behind, it was an appointment of divine assignment to "Stay!". 

In Mark 1:20, we are given the added detail that Zebedee employed hired hands indicating this was a significant and successful business. Zebedee was a man of some means and he was not being left without help as he responded to his call to "Stay" and tend to his business while his sons responded to their call to "Go". Additionally, Zebedee was married to Salome, who also answered a call to  follow Jesus (Matthew 27:55-56). Salome was one of many women who contributed time, talent and treasure to support Jesus as He carried out his public ministry (Luke 8:1-3, Mark 15:40-41). 

As the passage in Luke indicates, it was customary for a rabbi's disciples to support him out of their personal means. Zebedee's faithfulness in his business would have supported his family members in their call to walk with and serve Jesus in His ministry. Zebedee and his family were close followers of Jesus throughout His ministry and each supported the advancement of the Gospel according to their gifts and callings. (See "Ministry, Money and Women" at for a more in-depth look at this aspect of Jesus' ministry).

James and John, as faithful disciples of Christ, will have their reward, but so will Zebedee - and it will be a glorious one! All three of them will step fully into their eternal rewards because they were willing to step fully into their assigned roles here. This is just as much an "hour" of Zebedees as it is James', Johns, Daniels or Josephs.

As I have been thinking about all of this, our current job market keeps coming to mind. There is a significant labor shortage all over the United States. It is extremely difficult to get, and then keep, good employees. Businesses of all kinds desperately need employees who will come, stay and grow into "more" and "new" levels of expertise in our job market.

There is a similar need in our families, both biological and spiritual. Sometimes there is a call to "Go!", and that can be permanent or for a season. But there is also a call to stay and grow.

"Stay" does not mean stagnation or being "put out to pasture"! God opens up many opportunities to grow, change, develop and mature for those who "Go" and those who "Stay".  Both situations require an expectancy, willingness and availability on our part to recognize and step into those opportunities with fully engaged hearts and minds. Both are extremely valuable and necessary to the work of the Kingdom. One cannot happen without the other. 

Scripture reveals a beautiful example of "Go" and "Stay" seasons in the life of Phillip. Early in his walk with the Lord, Phillip served as a faithful worker in the Church (Acts 6:1-6). He then went on to become a fruitful preacher in the world (Acts 8:4-8). Twenty years later, we find Phillip to be a fulfilled father in his home (Acts 21:7-9). He is still living in Caesarea and has raised four daughters who are living lives of purity and intimacy with the Lord. This was not an "I guess this is all I can do now" season. This was the high point of Phillip's life! 

The greatest joy we'll have in anything we do in the Kingdom is raising kids (natural or spiritual), teaching them God's Word and seeing them walk with the Lord. Even if they take a few detours, when we train up a child in the way they should go, they will not depart from it. 
Photo by Rose Elena on Unsplash

We may not all be faithful workers in the Church or fruitful preachers, but we can all be fulfilled "fathers" and "mothers" in our homes. 

With great joy...

Pray with your children (or grandchildren!)
Spend time with them
Share from your heart
Teach them His Word
Guide them with God's help
Release them when they are called to "Go!"

...and change the world.

“Moses said, ‘Please. Let me see your Glory.’ God said, ‘I will make my Goodness pass right in front of you; I’ll call out the name, God, right before you.’” (Ex 33:18-19a)

Let the whole earth be filled with His glory!

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